Welcome to the Sermon & Bible Teaching Archive of Kongsvinger Lutheran Church.
Your Comments and Suggestions are welcome!
Sermon Archive
Sermons by Category
- 1 Samuel 1:1-2:11 1
- 1 Year Lectionary 143
- 16-21 1
- Bible: 1 Corinthians 1
- Bible: 1 John 1
- Bible: 1 Peter 6
- Bible: 1 Samuel 1
- Bible: 2nd Chronicles 5
- Bible: Colossians 3
- Bible: Daniel 1
- Bible: Ephesians 2
- Bible: Exodus 7
- Bible: Galatians 1
- Bible: Genesis 5
- Bible: Hebrews 1
- Bible: Joel 1
- Bible: John 96
- Bible: Lamentations 5
- Bible: Luke 97
- Bible: Mark 60
- Bible: Matthew 152
- Bible: Pslams 1
- Exodus 1-2 1
- Exodus 12-14 1
- Exodus 2-3 1
- Exodus 5-6 1
- Exodus 7-8 1
- Exodus 9-10 1
- Galatians 4:21-31 1
- John 23
- John 10:1-10 1
- John 11:1-45 1
- John 14:1-14 1
- John 14:15-21 1
- John 17:1-11 1
- John 19 1
- John 1:29-42 1
- John 20:19-31 1
- John 4:5-26 1
- John 7:37-39 1
- John 8:31-36 1
- John 9:1-41 1
- Luke 24
- Luke 23:27-43 1
- Luke 24:13-35 1
- Luke 2:40-52 1
- Luke: 2:22-32 1
- Mark 3
- Mark 11:1-10 1
- Mark 1:1-8 1
Sermons by Tag
- 1 Year Lectionary 1
- Advent 77
- All Saint's Day 6
- Ascension 2
- Ash Wednesday 8
- Baptism of Our Lord 5
- Christmas 17
- Christmas Eve 4
- Circumcision and Name of Jesus 1
- Easter 59
- Easter Sunday 7
- Easter Vigil 1
- Epiphany 45
- Funeral 3
- Good Friday 9
- Holy Week 12
- Last Sunday of the Church Year 4
- Lent 106
- Maundy Thursday 7
- Midweek 12
- Palm Sunday 7
- Pentecost 194
- Pentecost Sunday 6
- Pre Lent 1
- Presentation of Our Lord 2
- Purification of Mary 1
- Reformation 6
- Reformation Sunday 2
- Septuagesima 3
- Sexagesima 3
- Small Catechism 6
- Transfiguration 9
- Trinity 44
- Trinity Sunday 7
- quinquagesima 2
Sermons by Year
Bible Teachings
By Category
- Acts 15
- Ask a Pastor 4
- Bible: 1st Kings 2
- Bible: 1st Samuel 12
- Bible: 2nd Samuel 4
- Bible: Corinthians 1
- Bible: Daniel 17
- Bible: Esther 4
- Bible: Exodus 26
- Bible: Ezekiel 13
- Bible: Ezra 3
- Bible: Genesis 11
- Bible: Jeremiah 36
- Bible: Jonah 1
- Bible: Jude 2
- Bible: Leviticus 25
- Bible: Luke 1
- Bible: Matthew 1
- Bible: Nehemiah 12
- Bible: New Testament 21
- Bible: Numbers 10
- Bible: Old Testament 51
- Bible: Revelation 25
- Bible: Ruth 2
- Catechism 14
- Communion 5
- Ezekiel 34
- Q&A 2
- Small Catechism 16
- Sunday School 357
- Torah 1
By Tag